MahaDevi Yoga Centre

We would like to introduce our chosen charity: The MahaDevi Yoga Centre.

The MahaDevi Yoga Centre is the only centre in Europe fully dedicated to offering yoga therapy treatments to children and young adults with special needs following “Yoga for the Special Child – Sonia Suma Method” which is a pioneering Yoga Therapy approach for Special Needs.

The centre is open seven days a week and sees over 50 children and young adults for yoga therapy weekly. They also run outreach programs and offer therapeutic yoga in schools, hospices, hospitals, day centres, nurseries and other charitable organisations.

The MahaDevi Yoga Centre believes that every child should have access to the therapeutic power of yoga, which has the capacity to support his/her natural development and growth helping the child reach their full potential. Yoga is widely recognized for its great benefits to children and adults with special needs. The approach and methodology they use is the original yoga therapy method developed by Sonia Sumar over 45 years ago. It is a gentle and safe yoga therapy practice, yet highly effective method that brings results and makes a difference.

To find out more about their work please watch their inspirational BBC video:

Over the next 6 months we will be fundraising for the MahaDevi Yoga Centre. If you would like to donate to this worthwhile cause please contact Nicki at