Open letter to any business with an online presence and/or data storage

Good morning.  You asked about Cyber insurance. It has taken a while, but we now have a couple of Cyber policies, which we feel comfortable in promoting. You can read more or access an application form on  – or go directly to the application form here.

Insurance should be considered the long stop. The safety-net.

In the material world you may have fire extinguishers and intruder alarms. You need to consider the electronic equivalent in the Cyber World.

Cyber security and the protection of information can be a challenge for companies of all sizes. It is important to note that hackers are not the only threat. Modern businesses rely heavily if not totally on their computers and a computer does not have to be online to be open to abuse. Having so said, any system on the internet for services such as online marketing, sales, administrative functions, account management, credit card processing, etc. is particularly vulnerable.

Any intrusion that disrupts any of your business activities can, in addition to loss of turnover, lead to brand and reputation damage, issues with regulation, shareholder/director dissatisfaction, and ultimately financial loss.

All Businesses are faced with an increasing number of cyber threats including some of the following:

  • rogue employees stealing hardware or data to gain competitive advantage, sell on to criminals or for extortion
  • negligent employees sending incorrect data, losing hardware or falling victim to phishing attacks.
  • hackers
  • malware
  • poor IT controls
  • data breaches as a result of outside providers with inadequate security
  • backdoor intrusion into the business through employees social networking accounts
  • employees accessing company data through their own smartphones or tablets, this is often referred to as Bring Your Our Device (BYOD) working

Completing the on-line proposal form will do two things:

  1. make you consider where you are or might be vulnerable
  2. enable us to obtain bespoke quotations for you – without any obligation on your part.

Yours sincerely,

Nick Elwell