British Cupping Society

an associated group of

Introduction to the British Cupping Society

The British Cupping Society (BCS) was formerly established in 2008 by medical and healthcare professionals. With over 60 years of clinical and academic experience, the founding members made an executive decision to endeavour to standardise the practice, clinical guidelines, teaching curriculum and research protocols related to Cupping Therapy.

By doing so it is hoped that patient safety can be guaranteed whilst assisting the gradual integration of Cupping Therapy into mainstream healthcare as a treatment complimentary to conventional practice.

The British Cupping Society (BCS) aims to:

  • Serve as a representative membership organization of Cupping profession
  • To serve as an official advocate and representative of the Cupping profession in the United Kingdom and to consult with relevant healthcare authorities internationally
  • To establish and maintain standards of education, ethics and professional competency and licensing of practitioners of the Cupping profession in the United Kingdom and to consult with relevant healthcare authorities internationally
  • To improve public understanding and acceptance of the Cupping profession and practices
  • To develop, participate in, conduct and support Cupping research programs consistent with Cupping principles

The society and its members strive to fulfil these aims and objectives in all areas of Cupping.

The BCS Ethos

Our ethos is to help deliver medical cupping therapy that is patient centred.

Our unique E3 approach helps us to focus our efforts in developing cupping therapy as a widely-accepted practice. We believe in:

  • Excellence – aspiring to achieve excellence in all our operational areas
  • Education – focusing on education of public and professionals
  • Evidence – focusing on the practice of evidenced based cupping therapy

Our E3 vision is aimed at putting patient safety, clinical care and an evidence base with respect to cupping at the heart of all our activities.

Summary of BCS Portfolio

  • Education programs in cupping Therapy (CT) for medical and health care professionals
  • Facilitating and Organizing international conferences in CT
  • Facilitating and Supervising Masters and PhD level research
  • Consultancy in regulating CT in the UK and internationally
  • Regulating BCS cupping practitioners in the UK
  • Working with partners in addressing Public Health issues related to CT
  • Providing a platform for the development and implementation of evidenced based CT treatment protocols.
  • Developing a network for medical cupping therapy worldwide
  • Member of the General Regulatory Council for Complimentary Therapies (GRCCT) and official representative of CT in the UK.
A few facts to compare with your current policy
  • Public Liability (Indemnity Limit £5,000,000 per insured person or business: £10,000,000 available on request)
  • Malpractice Cover & Professional Indemnity (Indemnity Limit £5,000,000: £10,000,000 available on request)
  • Products Liability (for items sold in connection with your insured business)
  • Working from home, at a client’s home, or at any owned, rented or hired premises anywhere in the world excluding the USA/Canada
  • Damage to rented/hired third party premises
  • Accidental loss or damage to your business stock and equipment
  • Overall Limit £5,000: Single item limit £1,000: excluding mobile phones
  • Libel & Slander
  • Breach of confidentiality, negligence or breach of duty of care
  • Website and e-mail infringement arising from the promotion, marketing and advertising of your insured business
  • Additional Legal Expenses (Currently only available in the UK & Ireland)
  • Geographical coverage: World Wide
  • Jurisdiction: World Wide excluding the USA & Canada (Cover may be available on request)
  • Indemnity to principals
  • Member to member liability included
  • Retro-active date 2006 or since the date you have held Medical Malpractice/Liability insurance without break or interruption
  • 36 months run off cover to allow for periods when you might not be working
  • On-line teaching and pre-recorded teaching is included. However, you should also consider additional media insurance, which is beyond the scope of this insurance
  • Loss of Reputation extension
  • Emergency First Aid and Good Samaritan Acts included

For Insurance as an individual teaching or practising you may apply for insurance using the Quote Form.

Foyht 'Protect' Membership with insurance