GDPR for Health and Wellbeing Practitioners is frequently asked by our clients how they should react to and deal with the new GDPR regulations. I hope this will assist.

First of all, the General Data Protection Regulations are designed for you and me and everyone. In simple terms, you can hold data when you need to for some specific reasons but you cannot then use that data for marketing, advertising, etc. unless you have the specific authority of the individual.

As a holistic therapist, practitioner or teacher, it is sensible, necessary and very often a condition of your insurance that you collect and hold data about those that you are treating or teaching. This will usually be in the form of a pre-treatment/class questionnaire.

The information collected is Personal Information. It includes or can include:

  • general information (name, address, age, etc.)
  • details of next of kin
  • details on health, well-being and medical history
  • pre-treatment and post treatment photos

You should retain this data for ten years.
It is, of course, important that you keep the data safe. If you lose the data or the data is damaged or stolen you are both responsible and accountable.

These days, data will often be stored electronically. It is critically important that all electronic files are stored in a safe place and that the files are password protected. However, the same rules apply to paper copies. Personal information must be stored securely in whatever format you hold it.

The information held cannot be shared with others – other than in the course of your business (such as sharing the information with your insurers) or if required by law.

You are not allowed to use the information for future marketing or sales purposes unless you have specific permission to do so. The rules about “permission” are strict. The individual has to give willing consent.

A revised Questionnaire/disclaimer is available on, and on

Full details of the new regulations can be found on the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) web pages

Nick Elwell provides specialist insurance for Yogis, Holistic Therapists, Beauticians, Osteopaths & many other groups across Europe.