Having specific cover for your computer and electronic equipment may seem like a luxury, but did you know that your property insurance policy may not cover damage to your computers and gadgets - [...]
The risk of Financial Loss caused by Cyber related risks continues to increase. It is a serious and pervasive issue confronting businesses relying on modern technology: more or less every hour of [...]
The short answer is 'Yes'! But too many people seem to trip up over this simple question: some purposefully (and we cannot change that) but some through ignorance or apathy.
Phishing is the term given to the activity of tempting you (as one amongst thousands) to give up your personal information. This can include everything from your nick-name to your bank account [...]
It is quite noticeable that those businesses who have asked themselves the question “What do we do in the event of a flood?” survive the effects of a flood and mitigate the financial consequences [...]
Your insurer needs to process your data for various reasons that include calculating premiums, offering products tailored to your needs and
paying your claims.