I’m sure you know yourself. You know your business. Of course you want to protect everything in it. Right? Ask any business owner – they will tell you their time is their most precious asset. [...]
Cyber-crime is unquestionably one of the biggest threats facing the public and private sectors today. Yet in the face of constant warnings and advice we are still seeing a worryingly lax approach [...]
With General Data Protection Regulation(GDPR) looming, the management of data a legal requirement and Cyber events indiscriminately affecting small businesses and large businesses alike on a [...]
This review is about the draft suite of National Occupational Standards (NOS) for the role of Yoga Teacher. It has been produced for consultation purposes.
The A-Z of computer and data security threats. Whether you’re an IT professional, use a computer at work, or just browse the Internet, this book is for you. Sophos explain the facts about threats [...]
Cybercrime is going to affect us all, either directly or through third parties. The average cost of a cyber-attack for companies with under 100 employees is £25,7361.
Companies are increasingly at risk of their data being breached through third-party providers, and upcoming regulations will soon make corporates liable not only for data breaches within their [...]