A Beginner’s Guide to Marketing – Step 2: Targeting21st November 2016Who do you need to talk to? Contrary to popular opinion, your target market is NOT everyone. Can this really be true?
A Beginner’s Guide to Marketing – Step 1: Identity20th November 2016So, who do you think you are? Before starting any marketing campaigns, you must have a clear identity.
Is artificial and unnecessary regulation merely for financial gain?18th November 2016A short while ago the process to introduce a National Occupational Standard (NOS) for the teaching of Yoga
Open letter to STA regarding BGi.uk Insurance for swim teachers and schools18th November 2016Open letter to STA regarding BGi.uk Insurance for swim teachers and schools
10 Things to Know about Professional Indemnity Insurance1st November 2016A Guide to Protecting your Business
Response to NOS by IYN Secretary17th October 2016I am against the institution of a National Occupational Standard for a Yoga Teacher [NOS] because:
NOS rumbles on28th September 2016We have Jeremy Jones’ permission to publish his letter to Ms Caroline Larissey of Skillsactive. Particularly interesting
Open letter about the “Skills Active” certificate28th September 2016An open letter commenting on the help that a “Skills Active” certificate would provide us, in the insurance industry
Does this Cyber Stuff really affect me and my business?16th September 2016This document prepared by Jupiter should be read by all business owners.
ABI says insurers detected more than 130,000 fraudulent claims in 201514th September 2016New figures from the Association of British Insurers (ABI) have revealed that insurers uncovered more than